
Mafia 3 Gets a Demo and Faster, Baby DLC


Mafia 3 had some issues, but that didn’t keep 2K and retailers pushing it like it was The Godfather. The game shipped more than 4.5 million units in the first week, even though it was more Godfather 3 than anything else. But now you can decide as 2K is making you an offer that you can’t refuse … because its free.

If you didn’t jump on the game at launch, a new Mafia 3 demo is available on the PlayStation Store and the Xbox Marketplace. It’s supposed to be available on Steam as well, but it hasn’t shown up yet. The demo also coincides with a 50% off sale on all platforms. While Mafia 3 wasn’t really our type of cannoli, it did win the Herman Melville Award for Best Writing from the New York Videogame Critics Circle. So there is that.

In addition to the demo, 2K has released the net DLC for the game, called Faster, Baby. It opens up a new part of town that will let fans race around like they were Bo and Luke Duke outrunning Sheriff Rosco P. Coltraine. There are also new vehicle combat mechanics to help blow away the competition. And let’s not forget more of that award-winning story.

The DLC is part of the season pass that came with the Deluxe Edition of the game. Two more pieces of DLC will be coming, Stones Unturned and Sign of the Times. If you don’t have the season pass, the game will extort $14.99 from you to get it. It’s Mafia, after all.

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