
300 Subscriber Giveaway!!!! Thank You!!

I am feeling really humbled right now… there are over 300 amazing people who subscribed to MAD DIY GUY!!!!  Outstanding!!  Thank you all who have checked out the channel, subscribed and subjected yourselves to our insanity!

We want to give something back as a way to say thank you for supporting! – Please check rules below video!

Giveaway is very simple!

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

And Comment Below (on YouTube) on how much you think the Jar Contains!

The 3 folks close (or accurate) will win the prizes!

*1st Place $30.00 Gift Card
*2nd Place $10.00 Gift Card and any T-Shirt from SoSickWithIt.com
*3rd Place and 3D Print your heart desires from my videos 🙂

I will announce the winners in a video Next Weds Aug 22 2018

Be sure to check out our other Channel MAD Funko for more amazing giveaways


Also the Team SSWI Game Nation!


OH…. FYI…. We have a great Giveaway currently going on with them (A RETROPIE), that ends this Saturday – Check SSWIPODCAST 8/4 for details!

Once Again…. Thank You!!  300 + Strong!!!!!

Check us out on

Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/mad_diy_guy/
Mixer at https://mixer.com/MADHITMAN_SSWI

Other YouTube Channels

DAM Good Cooking https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSVvjfd1GZ1mHKOCa__pDFA

MAD Funko https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe777pi23CoFIUEdjB0Oi9Q

Add Me On XBOX

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