
Granny Olltwit Canary Hunter

Light Switch
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Game Details

Granny Olltwit Canary Hunter

The aim of the game is to capture canaries. To do this you need to control Granny on the flying carpet. Do nothing and Granny will drop to the ground and lose a life. To keep Granny airborne, hold down the left mouse button to go up. Release the left mouse button to go down. Alternate between these two actions to fly the carpet. To catch canaries simply move Granny so that they run into her. You can fly safely over white clouds but avoid black clouds and seagulls! These will drag you backwards until you fall off the carpet and lose a life. To counteract the drag effect you can repeatedly press the F key to try and stay on the carpet. Catching canaries will fill your bag and add weight to the carpet making it more difficult to control. As the game progresses you will fly faster, again making things a little more tricky.


You score points for every canary caught. This is displayed in the top bar. In the left corner your number of lives is shown. You start with 3 lives and losing all lives ends the game. At the end of a game, you will be given the option to enter your name for the High Score Table.

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