
Quake Champions Closed Beta Signups Open

Quake Champions has been running in stealth mode since we got a trailer and some extra details at QuakeCon last year. But the old-school arena shooter is finally launching signups for a closed beta and giving fans at PAX East some hands on time.

The signup form is on the new official Quake.com website, and both id and Bethesda are still being fairly tightlipped about what will be in the beta and even what dates the beta will run. However, Bethesda will be bringing the game to PAX East in Boston this weekend where fans can test out their reflexes and rocketjumping skills.

Quake Champions was unveiled at E3 last year, with id saying the game will be PC only because of its lineage and ties to the mouse-and-keyboard setup. However, Bethesda has said it isn’t closing the door on consoles, but if it does happen, it will be much further down the road.

To celebrate the closed beta signups, Bethesda throws us a short new trailer to show off some of the gameplay.

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